Questa è una listo piuttosto corposa (siamo a quasi 100 libri) che il nostro bel Elon ha consigliato e/o citato nell'arco delle varie interviste. Gli ho raggruppati per categorie, ma come sappiamo i libri che ci aiutano a evolvere non sono mai inquadrabili in una sola categoria.
Frank Herbert
Musk dice del libro: "Brilliant. [The author] advocates placing limits on machine intelligence." - Elon Musk
George R. R. Martin
Musk dice del libro: "Best books in recent years imo are Iain Banks & George Martin." - Elon Musk
Iain M. Banks
Musk dice del libro: "Compelling picture of a grand, semi-utopian galactic future. Hopefully not too optimistic about AI." - Elon Musk
Isaac Asimov
Musk dice del libro: "[This series is] fundamental to [the] creation of SpaceX." - Elon Musk
Robert A. Heinlein
Musk dice del libro: "I like [this book], although it kind of goes off the rails at the end." - Elon Musk
J.R.R. Tolkien
Musk dice del libro: "I know it's cliche, but [this] is my favorite book ever." - Elon Musk
Douglas Adams
Musk dice del libro: "A book of philosophy disguised as a silly humor book." - Elon Musk
Robert A. Heinlein
Musk dice del libro: One of Elon Musk's favorite books about space.
Christopher B. Rowley
Musk dice del libro: "A bit more obscure." - Elon Musk
Harry Harrison
Musk dice del libro: "A bit more obscure." - Elon Musk
E. M. Forster
Musk dice del libro: "Worth reading." - Elon Musk
Talulah Riley
Musk dice del libro: "All characters – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional…" - Elon Musk
Samuel Beckett
Musk dice del libro: "Have recently come to appreciate the awesome, absurdist humor of [this book]." - Elon Musk
John Green
Musk dice del libro: "Must admit to liking [this book]. Sad, romantic and beautifully named." - Elon Musk
Daniel Suarez
Musk dice del libro: "A great read." - Elon Musk
Musk dice del libro: "A compelling guide to the challenges and choices in our quest for a great future of life, intelligence and consciousness—on Earth and beyond." - Elon Musk
Nick Bostrom
Musk dice del libro: "Worth reading [this book]. We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes." - Elon Musk
Ian Goodfellow
Musk dice del libro: "Written by three experts in the field, [this book] is the only comprehensive book on the subject." - Elon Musk
Stephen Webb
Musk dice del libro: "Great book. Read it when it came out." - Elon Musk
James Barrat
Musk dice del libro: "Worth reading." - Elon Musk
Stuart Russell
Musk dice del libro: "Worth reading." - Elon Musk
Carl von Clausewitz
Musk dice del libro: "There should be a chapter saying 'if you have a decisive technology advantage, you can actually win with minimal casualties.'" - Elon Musk
Naomi Oreskes
Musk dice del libro: "Worth reading [this book]. Same who tried to deny smoking deaths are denying climate change." - Elon Musk
Sam Harris
Musk dice del libro: "Excellent cover art and lots of good reasons not to lie!" - Elon Musk
Sun Tzu
Musk dice del libro: "I've read [this book] many times." - Elon Musk
Richard Branson
Musk dice del libro: "This approach should be taken to heart by all, as it really is the smart move." - Elon Musk
Peter Thiel
Musk dice del libro: "[This author] has built multiple breakthrough companies, and [this book] shows how." - Elon Musk
Richard Dawkins
Musk dice del libro: "Most people don't realize that the origin of the word 'meme' is [this book]." - Elon Musk
J. E. Gordon
Musk dice del libro: "Really, really good if you want a primer on structural design." - Elon Musk
Britannica Editors
Musk dice del libro: "Read through [this book]. I'd recommend that." - Elon Musk
John Drury Clark
Musk dice del libro: One of Elon Musk's favorite books about space.
Dieter K Huzel
Musk dice del libro: One of Elon Musk's favorite books about space.
Sean Carroll
Musk dice del libro: "Highly recommend." - Elon Musk
Steven Novella
Musk dice del libro: "[This] book is ?" - Elon Musk
Robert K. Massie
Musk dice del libro: "I know what you're probably thinking … did she really f* a horse?" - Elon Musk
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Musk dice del libro: "One of the few books so dark I had to stop reading." - Elon Musk
Walter Isaacson
Musk dice del libro: "A great biography. […] Highly recommended." - Elon Musk
Maye Musk
Musk dice del libro: "My Mom wrote a book ??." - Elon Musk
Donald L. Barlett
Musk dice del libro: "A cautionary tale." - Elon Musk
William Bolitho
Musk dice del libro: "It's really quite good." - Elon Musk
Walter Isaacson
Musk dice del libro: "Quite interesting." - Elon Musk
Eric Berger
Musk dice del libro: "Book is accurate." - Elon Musk
David Kushner
Musk dice del libro: "A great book." - Elon Musk
Benjamin Franklin
Musk dice del libro: "Really good." - Elon Musk
Will & Ariel Durant
Musk dice del libro: "The first books are a little dry. Gets much better when Ariel is co-author." - Elon Musk
e nello specifico:
Will & Ariel Durant
Musk dice del libro: "An amazing book." - Elon Musk
Edward Shepherd Creasy
Musk dice del libro: "Insightful analysis, ensconced in eloquent prose." - Elon Musk
Karl Marx
Musk dice del libro: "Read [this book] when I was 14." - Elon Musk
Ayn Rand
Musk dice del libro: "A counterpoint to communism and useful as such, but should be tempered with kindness." - Elon Musk
Musk dice del libro: "Intense. Great book." - Elon Musk
Edward Gibbon
Musk dice del libro: "[The author]'s famous book." - Elon Musk
Adam Smith
Musk dice del libro: "Adam Smith FTW obv." - Elon Musk
Affascinato dalle potenzialità del cervello rimane folgorato dall'uscita di MEMO, nel 1992. Soltando 10 anni dopo inizia però a studiare altre discipline. Nel 2008 apre il suo blog di Content Curation, e poco dopo anche il portale per sport di lotta e MMA
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